Toshiba Introduces First Voice-Controlled and Energy-Efficient Air Conditioner

Toshiba Home Appliance part of the Toshiba Group has introduced the world’s first voice controlled air conditioner – the Daiseikai VOiCE NDR Series. First models provide a total of 13 different colors.

The VOiCE NDR uses a new dual compressor unique to Toshiba which allegedly increases efficiency so much that the A/C uses only as much energy as an electric fan – on the lowest setting. A number of technical changes in the internal construction (mostly having to do with the dehumidifying aspect of air conditioning and the plumbing therein) also help to maintain functionality and reduce the amount of energy used to 45W (again, this is the lowest setting). The new unique “Dual Compressor” enhanced energy efficiency is adopted. In addition the flat cylinder, and then unify the inlet, with a short suction pipes. Devised to reduce these losses by, to improve the efficiency of the compressor unit.

The Voice Controller, which can recognize 21 different words and phrases, such as stop, start, hot, cold, and power saving. Another memorized phrase, “cool breeze”, dials the machine down to a lower setting to conserve energy.

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