The Caracas Metro modernizing its air conditioning systems

With the implementation of a plan to modernize the air-conditioning systems that is running from mid-2011, the Caracas Metro promises optimum air conditioners have in all 47 stations of its four lines by the end of the first quarter of 2012. The state transport company provided information through a press release, which also reported that already 90% of the 22 stations of Line 1, the oldest capital’s subway has been renewed.

In the system already being felt these arrangements, as shown in stations like Bellas Artes, Propatria and La Hoyada. With the major maintenance plan, begin on December 26, taking advantage of the reduced influx of users for the holidays, the technical staff of the company installed new generators of ice water in the Ciudad Universitaria station (Line 3) Chacao and Los Dos Caminos (Line 1).  At this point the temperature is cooler, between 23 and 24º C. Also air conditioners were operated stations Capitolio, La Hoyada, La California y Los Cortijos on Line 1, and Los Simbolos on Line 3.

The company plans to install three new equipment’s this month in the refrigeration plant No. 1 (PR1), which supplies chilled water to the stations Pérez Bonalde, Plaza Sucre and Gato Negro in the west of the capital. In early February, will complete the installation of refrigeration equipment in Palo Verde, which will be fully repower the equipment’s on Line 1.

Today, on Line 2 is performed preventive maintenance on the local plant Carapita station, while Maternidad and Artigas build structures built to protect the new ventilation equipment and put into operation. This equipment has very valuable materials such as coils, which used to be stolen, according to the company. In Ciudad Universitaria y Los Simbolos  stations, line 3, work on the installation of new chilled water generators, while in the local plant of El Valle dismantle the old equipment to install new chillers.

The Caracas Metro is the main means of public transport in the Venezuelan capital. Serves nearly two million people a day. The state has allocated more than 400 million bolivars for the maintenance and 1,800 million dollars to rehabilitate the line 1.